The Community Outreach Program Trust (COPT) is a faith based Non Profit Organization (NPO) that provides an opportunity for Businesses and ordinary South Africans to make a lasting and meaningful difference to the lives of their fellow citizens. Whatever our status, our creed, our race, we are compelled to do what we can to help the most vulnerable and disadvantaged of our people. Ours is not to solve but to resolve to make a difference, because Changing Lives is Life Changing.

We are driven by ‘passion’ for ‘community’. That’s the way we understand ‘compassion’. Without compassion life is barren, meaningless and devoid of meaning. Helping the ‘widows and orphans in their affliction’ is an integral part of who we are.
We are serious about our physical, moral and spiritual responsibility to the poor and the marginalized people of this land. We are called to open our hands to the poor and needy, ‘For the poor will never cease out of the land: therefore I command you, saying, You shall surely open your hand to your brother, to your needy, and to your poor, in your land’. (Deut 15:11)

Touch & Teach
There are many charities that touch people’s lives in many meaningful ways, but if there is no moral teaching to support the help given, the help often simply evaporates into thin air.
As a faith based NPO we support all our ‘touching’ (charitable services) with a strong foundation of ‘teaching’ (biblical spirituality and morality). This is intended to help each individual with their own ‘spiritual and moral compass’ that will guide their lives into becoming lives of compassion, service and dedication to the God of creation and all mankind.

Business that Cares
We are an organization that manages projects and programmes with excellence, sustainability, transparency and in depth reporting. Whenever possible, our business partners are invited to involve themselves in the projects they sponsor.
South African companies can earn 5 or 25 points on their BEE Scorecard for SED (Social Economic Development), as well as enhancing their company’s image through CSI (Corporate Social Investment). Donations received from South African companies and citizens are 100% tax deductible because they go towards “public benefit activities”. Most trustees are educated professionals providing strong governance and our volunteers are either self-funded or sponsored. Most of our project employees are from the communities that we serve.